Iron Maidenilta tilannepäivitys syöpäuutisen säikäyttämille faneille

Bruce Dickinsonin syöpähoito etenee.


Iron Maidenin manageri Rod Smallwood on kertonut Facebookissa, että ennusmerkit Bruce Dickinsonin syöpähoidon onnistumiselle ovat hyvät. Smallwood myös sanoo, että Bruce on otettu Iron Maidenin fanien osoittamasta tuesta.

Bruce Dickinsonilla todettiin syöpäkasvain viime vuoden lopulla. Hän kävi läpi seitsemän viikon kemoterapiajakson. Ennusteiden mukaan Dickinsonin pitäisi toipua hoidosta täydellisesti. Smallwood kertoo, että toukokuussa pitäisi olla lopullisesti tiedossa, miten syöpähoito onnistui.

Iron Maidenin managerin viestin löydät alta.

”Bruce has asked me to thank everyone for their tremendous support and kind wishes. He has been extremely touched and encouraged by the genuine and affectionate response from our global family of Maiden fans.

Radiology is cumulative and continues to build in the body for around three weeks after treatment, so even though Bruce’s seven week course is completed, he’s had a long period of considerable pain and discomfort. He is happily now starting to recuperate and the pain will continue to abate and the swelling to reduce for the next couple of months at which time he will be able take an MRI scan. It is not until then that we will have full confirmation that the cancer has been completely destroyed. However prognosis continues to be extremely good and everyone is optimistic for a full recovery. Following the scan, we will officially update you on our website at the appropriate time, probably in late May.

After that, it will take a few more months for Bruce to get back to full fitness. Naturally the rest of the band are totally supportive and Maiden’s plans will be determined by Bruce’s progress.

Please continue your positive thoughts. They are very much appreciated.”

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